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Welcome To Kiambere-Mwingi Water & Sanitation Company

Mr. Paul Kinuba – Managing Director.

Kiambere-Mwingi Water & Sanitation Company Limited (KIMWASCO) is a limited liability company created under CAP 486 of the Companies  Act. The company was incorporated in May 2009 after the transfer of ownership of the Kiambere-Mwingi Water project assets to Tanathi Water Services Board as per the requirements of the Water Act 2002. KIMWASCO is mandated to provide portable water and basic sanitation services to the greater Mwingi region and is responsible to the Kitui County Government, which has the overall mandate for service provision in the County.  The company currently has capacity to produce 2,700 m 3 of water per day and serves mainly Mwingi town and the shopping centers along a 54 km distribution pipeline that begins at Kyoea hill and ends at Mwingi town. The treatment works are situated at Kiambere which is 66 km away from Mwingi town. An additional project to supply water to the Northern part of Mwingi (now Katse, Kyuso & Tseikuru areas) and install a sewerage system for Mwingi town was launched in June 2017 and its implementation is at the initial stages. KIMWASCO currently has 4,500 water connections and serves approximately 60,000 (18%) of the population in its service area. It has no sewerage connections. Ultimately, the company aspires to serve the greater Mwingi region with an estimated population of 345,000 and an area of 10,030 km2

Tender Announcement

  2. TENDER NAME: Construction of Kyuso Rock Catchment Water Supply Project

Closing Date: 13/03/2024 at 12.00 p.m.

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The company is inviting applications from suitably qualified people to fill the following vacancies:


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